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Monday, July 13, 2009

Professor Azimatol Hawariah

Pakar Perunding Pyhtomedicare/ Professor UKM

Beliau menfomulasikan produk produk kesihatan dari HERBA yang terpilih ,
HALAL serta berkesan .

Setiap produk yang dihasilkan adalah original .

Produk HERBA Bertaraf DUNIA.

Produk Pytomedicare lahir untuk membantu masyarakat untuk mendapatkan produk yang terbaik sahaja.
Pioneering the latest technology in the processing of pythomedicines and nutraceutical products with high emphasis on R&D


Prof Azimahtol Hawariah is Phyto-Medicare's main consultant and leading researcher. All of Phyto-Medicare's products are based on findings from the research she conducted for over 25 years in the field of biochemistry. Her first international award, the Common-wealth Award was received in 1982 while she was still a student. She graduated from the National University of Malaysia(UKM) in 1976 in Biology. She obtained her M.Sc from the University of Strathclyde in 1978 and her Ph.D from the University of Glasgow in 1985. Since then, she has registered four patents, written several books on cancer and published and presented more than 100 papers in national and international journals and conferences.

Phyto-Medicare (M) Sdn. Bhd.

Phyto-Medicare has won numerous awards at both local and internation exhibitions. These are just some of the awards won by our products. More will be featured soon.

International Exhibition of Inventions, New Techniques and Products, Geneva, Switzerland

  • GulCare - Gold Medal Award, 2003
  • NisaCare - Silver Medal Award, 2004
  • CanCare - Bronze Medal Award, 2000

Research and Innovation Exhibition, University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Selangor, Malaysia

  • TenzCare - Gold Medal Award, 2004
  • CaloCare - Silver Medal Award, 2003
  • CanCare - Bronze Medal Award, 2003

International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition, KLCC, Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia

  • NisaCare - Gold Medal Award, 2006
  • CaloCare - Bronze Medal Award, 2003
  • CanCare - Bronze Medal Award, 1999

Seoul International Invention Fair, Seoul, Korea

  • TenzeCare - Bronze Medal Award, 2004
  • GulCare - Gold Medal Award, 2002


(Kanser, Fibroid, Sakit2 Puan yg lain, Kencing Manis, Buah Pinggang Tidak Berfungsi Dengan Baik, Darah Tinggi , ASTHMA, Mouth Ulcer, Stomache Ulcer dan lain lain)

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Prevention is better than cure

More than one in three people will develop cancer during their lifetime, yet half of all cancers could be prevented by changes to lifestyle

Here are 5 simple changes you can make to reduce your risk

Stop Smoking

This is the single most important thing you can do for your health. Give up now and greatly reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease and other conditions.

Stay in shape

Being overweight or obese increases your risk. The best way to lose weight is to eat healthily, eat smaller amounts and become more active. Try to take 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day, such as brisk walking, gardening or swimming.

Be sun safe

Protect yourself from the sun and harmful UV. Watch moles for any changes and get unusual skin blemishes checked out by the doctor. Avoid using sunbeds.

Look after number one.

You know your body, so be aware of any changes and don't be afraid to contact your doctor if you notice anything unusual. Look after yourself, relax and get a good nights sleep.




(click picture for detail)

Sistem Penapisan Air Dew
(Dew Water Filteration System)