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Monday, February 22, 2010

Psorcare Lotion For Scalp

HARGA/PRICE:    RM90.00 / USD28.00
1 bottle contains 100 ml of lotion which can last for up to 3 months (if used 3 x daily) 

Krim psorcare dikhususkan untuk psoriasis kulit. Losyen Psorcare dikhususkan untuk kulit kepala (sila lihat gambar sebelah).

Psorcare cream is recommended for skin psoriasis. For psoriasis of the scalp, we recommend psorcare lotion (see picture ).

Psorcare Lotion  FOR PSORIASIS OF THE SCALP(MAL 06070088K)

Awards(won under the title "A Phytopharmaceutical Composition for the Treatment of Psoriasis")
Silver Medal Award 33rd International Exhibitionn of Invention, New Techniques and Products (6th-12th April 2005), Geneva, Switzerland

Gold Medal Award Seoul International Invention Fair 2004 (SIIF 2004) (10th-12th December 2004) Seoul, Korea

Gold Medal Award Ekspo Penyelidikan & Inovasi UKM 2004 (15th-18th July 2004), Selangor, Malaysia 

Silver Medal Award International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition (I'TEX 2004) (19th-22nd May 2004), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  • Significantly alleviates the itchiness and reduces the symptons associated with psoriasis and eczema. PsorCare inhibits the progression of skin diseases (e.g., psoriasis & eczema) by inducing apoptasis (programmed cell death).
  • Suitable for everyday use.
  • Made from natural products.
  • Safe to use on babies and pregnant mothers.
  • Rub thoroughly into the roots of the hair 3 x daily and after showering.
  • Contains no steroids and can be used as often as desired.
  • This product is approved by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia, with registration number MAL06070088K.

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Stop Smoking

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Stay in shape

Being overweight or obese increases your risk. The best way to lose weight is to eat healthily, eat smaller amounts and become more active. Try to take 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day, such as brisk walking, gardening or swimming.

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Look after number one.

You know your body, so be aware of any changes and don't be afraid to contact your doctor if you notice anything unusual. Look after yourself, relax and get a good nights sleep.




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